
Strong ultimatum from Lundin CEO

Lundin Petroleum rejects demands for an independent enquiry into the oil company's activities in Africa. “Trust us or sell your shares,” says CEO Ashley Heppenstall to Dagens industri.


It is the newspaper Aftonbladet’s scrutiny of Lundin Petroleum’s activities, primarily in Sudan, that is causing concern among the shareholders. The company tried to allay these concerns by holding an information meeting with the institutional shareholders at the end of March, but then instead the proposal was put forward for an independent enquiry.


That neither the board nor the management supports this has been known for some time, but now Lundin Petroleum is increasingly hardening its tone. In an interview with Dagens industri, CEO Ashley Heppenstall urges the shareholders to withdraw their demand or sell their holdings. He considers that in the long term it is counter-productive to have shareholders who do not support the company.


The suggestion is directed primarily at Folksam, according to Dagens industri. At the same time, the company's third-largest shareholder, the fund management company Robur, supports the proposal for an independent enquiry.


Lundin Petroleum’s international shareholders reject the demand for an enquiry, according to Heppenstall.