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Sudan vows response after susrprise loss of oil rich town to SPLA

The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) on Tuesday acknowledged that it has lost control of the oil-rich town of Heglig following what it said was an attack by South Sudan’s army (SPLA) and "mercenaries".

Sudan says liberation of Heglig 'really close', negotiations with south suspended

The Sudanese cabinet held an emergency meeting on Wednesday chaired by president Omer Hassan al-Bashir in which they decided to suspend all negotiations with the south on post-independence issues and declared their intention to mobilize all the country’s resources to repeal the "aggression".

SPLA claim seizure of South Kordofan's Heglig oil area

South Sudan’s army (SPLA) claim they captured the oil-rich area of Heglig in Sudan’s South Kordofan State on Monday afternoon after repulsing an attack by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

SAF Warplanes bomb South Sudan's Unity State, four injured

Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) reportedly carried out fresh attacks in Abiemnhom town, Unity State, injuring four civilians, including a child, officials told Sudan Tribune on Tuesday.

South Sudan says Sudan bombs oil fields in border region

South Sudan said the Sudanese air force had bombed the main oil fields in Unity State near the border with Sudan on Tuesday 27-03, as violence between the two escalated.

Lundin Oil employed child soldiers

“Ian Lundin must have realised that the company’s presence presupposed that child soldiers were risking their lives – and presumably also lost them,” writes Bengt Nilsson.

“Why should the public believe the Lundin Group's version?”

The Lundin brothers maintain that the accusations made against the Lundin Group are “unfounded and unjust”. But they do not put forward any evidence for this claim. Why should the general public believe their version rather than believing world-leading experts on the Sudan?

Lundin’s owners want to see a review

Lundin Petroleumon 20 March invited its institutional shareholders to a meeting in Stockholm to discuss among other issues the criticism levelled at the oil company for its business dealings in totalitarian states.

Major shareholders propose independent review of Lundin Petroleum

Lundin Petroleum invited institutional shareholders to an information meeting. There have been demands from the shareholders for an independent review of Lundin Petroleum’s activities.

“Aftonbladet’s sole intention seems to be to defame us”

The Lundin brothers respond to the criticism faced recently in sweden. Those accusations that Aftonbladet and certain others have levelled at us are quite simply unfounded and unjust, they write.

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